Final Session of Incumbent State Great Khural Closes
Ulaanbaatar, June 6, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The
spring session of the State Great Khural, the final session of the incumbent
Parliament closed on June 05, 2024, ahead of the upcoming Elections of the
State Great Khural, scheduled to take place on June 28, 2024.
Chairman of the State Great Khural Zandanshatar Gombojav noted
in his closing address, “ The approval of the revised Law on the State Great
Khural and Law on Procedure of State Great Khural, in compliance with the Amendments
to the Constitution marks the beginning of a new stage in parliamentary
development as these laws legalize sovereignty, structure, procedure, and operations
of State Great Khural to be formed with 126 Members.”
During its spring session, the parliament convened for 58
days and approved over 240 laws and resolutions.
The Chairman of the State Great Khural highlighted some of the
laws, underscoring, “The Law on the National Sovereign Wealth Fund was approved to guarantee
the legal basis for Mongolians to own Mongolian land and Mongolian wealth and
enjoy its benefits equally and fairly to all citizens. It enables the concept
of amendments to the Constitution of Mongolia in 2019 to be realized.”
“Law on the Legal Status of the United Association of Herder
Families, Law on Reducing the Negative Impact of Climate Change on Traditional
Livestock Breeding, and Law on the Legal Status of Herders will shift the
livestock sector to a new path of production and development rather than
consumption. The long-term and short-term policies of the government to support
the livelihoods and activities of herders are determined by these laws. The first
results can be seen including herders
getting their loans postponed, cooperatives receiving discounted loans, and the
"New Cooperative" movement gaining momentum,”
The laws and resolutions passed during the spring session
also include the Revised Law on Oversight of the State Great Khural, the Law on the
Establishment of Court, the Resolution on Approval of Action Plan for the Implementation
of the National Anti-Corruption Program, and the Resolution on Approval of the Concept
of Regional Development.
“The 8th Parliament established as a result of the 2020 elections
of State Great Khural held 12 regular and irregular sessions and 5 special
sessions and passed a total of some 2,200 laws. In addition to the number of
laws passed, our parliament has achieved success in terms of quality,” said Speaker