EU and French Embassy delegation visit Switch Off Air Pollution project site

2020-08-31 17:47:06

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. On August 31, Mr. Marco Ferri, Minister Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission of the Delegation of the European Union to Mongolia, and Mr. Nicolas Lacôte, First Counselor of the French Embassy, visited the project sites of the European Union-funded Switch Off Air Pollution.

The Switch Off Air Pollution Project works towards insulating and retrofitting 1,000 houses in the ger district to reduce air pollution. The Project aims to contribute to its goal of a 30% reduction in emissions from burning coal as a source of heat and a 30% minimum increase in the energy efficiency of ger district households. To make the goal of energy efficiency and pollution reduction more accessible, the Switch Off Air Pollution Project is partnering with Xac Bank who will offer a 30-month green loan, at 8% interest, to households who want to insulate their detached house.

Switch Off Air Pollution Project is principally financed by the European Union’s Switch Asia Program with additional support from the Abbe Pierre Foundation, the Czech and French Development Agencies. From 2018 to 2021, the Project is led by Geres Mongolia INGO in collaboration with the Building Energy Efficiency Center at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, the Mongolian National Construction Association, and People in Need INGO.

Source: Geres Mongolia