Two men arrested in connection with bank robbery

2015-12-14 17:50:42

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On December 14, two men were arrested from around Onor micro-district after robbing 380 million MNT from Trade Development Bank’s Songinokhairkhan district branch on the day before. The robbery was reported on Sunday morning at 09.45.

The suspects are E, born in 1992, and B, born in 1985, with no particular occupation. Police seized the 380 million MNT and started the investigation.

The targeted “Tavan Shar” branch of TDB works in weekends. That morning, the suspects brought a teller on gunpoint and demanded the workers to open the cabinets, "they even fired the gun to the ceiling", say the witnesses. 

The case is under investigation of the Aggravated Crime Division of Ulaanbaatar Police Department. 

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