First citizens library opens

2019-03-27 14:20:01

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At the initiatives of youths having involved in Women’s Leadership Program being implemented by the Australian Government and the Zorig Foundation, the first ever citizens model library ‘Beyond books’ was opened in the 17th khoroo of Chingeltei district.


The library was built with support of the citizens and during the opening Golomt bank, Skytel group, NGNEX LLC, Women’s Diplomatic Club at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Seruuleg University expressed to render assistance to the library.


‘Beyond books’ project aims to support child, youth and public development, to create safe environment to them and to establish model library for children who do not have favorable learning condition due to their family livelihood.

The library will help to decrease academic backwardness of 5434 school children of the 17th and 18th khoroos of the district, to provide them with convenient environment where they can spend their free time fruitful, studying a lesson, reading a book and exchanging information as well as getting involved in training. In the frames of the project, works to complete interior improvement of the library, have book fund, formulate model program on citizens library and train human resource are being fulfilled.