Newly Discovered Spring in Bogd Khaan Mountain Protected

2024-09-05 15:06:59

Ulaanbaatar, September 5, 2024 /MONTSAME/. A newly discovered spring in the Chuluut Valley of the Bogd Khaan Mountain National Park, situated to the south of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, has been enclosed and protected.


The Water Agency under the Government of Mongolia, the Tuul River Basin Authority, and other relevant agencies conducted a survey of springs and streams along the Tuul River Basin in May 2024.


As a result, 4-5 new springs and streams were registered in Bogd Khaan Mountain. The Bogd Khaan Mountain Strictly Protected Area (SPA) Administration has initiated phased actions to protect these water sources. Specialists are currently conducting water quality tests on the newly discovered spring called “Dayaanchiin Bulag” (“Spring of Ascetic”). 


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