Mongolia to Cover Medication Expenses for Hepatitis D Patients

2024-06-07 10:52:38

Ulaanbaatar, June 7, 2024 /MONTSAME/. During its regular session on June 6, 2024, the Cabinet decided to allocate funds for the expense of medication for hepatitis D patients in the State Budget under relevant laws.

Minister of Health of Mongolia Chinzorig Sodnom and Minister of Finance of Mongolia Javkhlan Bold were tasked with providing the necessary funding from the State Budget package approved in 2024 and to begin including the expenses in the State Budget starting from 2025.

Around the world, more than 5 percent of hepatitis B patients develop hepatitis D, a "satellite" virus that accompanies hepatitis B. However, this number is 36.5 percent in Mongolia, the highest in the world.

Bulevirtide, an antiviral medication manufactured in the European Union and the Russian Federation, is one of the newer drugs used worldwide to inhibit the entry of the hepatitis D virus into liver cells.

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