Digitalization is an opportunity to develop collectively, and win together

2022-02-17 14:21:45

We are living in a technology dependent era. Technology allows us to save time and provides us with the opportunity to complete each task faster and more efficiently. In this regard, one of the priority objectives of the Mongolia Government is to become a “Digital Nation” which has been reflected in its action program for 2020-2024. As for the capital city, which is home to nearly half of the country’s total population, the respective authorities have taken measures to   ensure that the city is able to solve its problems using digital technology. Cities around the world have also started using information technology in dealing with various issues that big cities face, such as public participation, corruption, and complex governmental bureaucracy. For instance, the city of Moscow, capital of Russia, started solving problems most common amongst cities such as, public service, congestion, corruption, and complex governmental bureaucracy, with the help of information technology.

On this account, we asked Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City D.Sumiyabazar to clarify on what ways and methods are being used in initiating a smart system that is unique to Ulaanbaatar’s needs. He notes that “One of the crucial tasks, is to digitalize Ulaanbaatar. The century of technology is upon us, due to fast technological advancements. Every city is implementing smart city technological programs and are transitioning to a system that does not depend on human factors. We must look at development in terms of its long-term vision. The sooner Ulaanbaatar city can make technological advancements, the sooner Mongolia’s government administration organization will become more openly coordinated and transparent. This will then reduce complex government bureaucracy, corruption index, and save time and money.

Smart management systems will bring a lot of improvements, so we must implement technological solutions with haste. Although Ulaanbaatar is a big city that is home to nearly half of Mongolia’s total population, in comparison to other world cities, it is small, but our city has the capability to assimilate and transition fast.

During the Prime Minister’s visit to the People’s Republic of China, discussions regarding fully digitalizing the city and the installation of CCTVs for traffic safety purposes were held. The “Smart Ulaanbaatar” concept for digital transition is an umbrella for not only just implementing the ring road highway, mass transit system and other traffic related projects, it is also intended to reduce corruption and bureaucracy. Through digital transition, we will be able to lower the corruption index and improve Mongolia’s reputation at the international level.

Smart system is not only renovating civil service but also helping save time and expenses

Ulaanbaatar is implementing the “One brain integrated system” digital transition project until 2024. We discussed about this project with the Director of the Capital City Department of Digital Development and Information Technology Mr. O.Chinzorig.

-Can you introduce the “One brain integrated system” project to us? What are the expected outcomes once this system is in full effect?

We are implementing “One brain integrated system” based on a concept that it will be simple and clear moving forward, by integrating the capital city’s 1.6 million citizens, business operators and government agencies under one communication and information system. The system has 5 main objectives. These include:

-       Reducing corruption, complex governmental bureaucracy and improving business environment

-       Improve traffic control and management, reduce congestion

-       Increase public participation, advance civil servant’s responsibility and online/social media etiquette

-       Improve transparency for procurement and development related activities

-       Ensure public safety and comfort

We aim to accomplish these objectives in 3 sections. By 2024 we will conduct 12 sub- projects, 27 events in scope of digital governance, traffic management, and safe city sections.   

-From these 3 sections, could you please elaborate on traffic management and give us an example?

Everybody participates in traffic. A lot of problems arise. We engage in all kinds of interaction starting from the point of leaving our homes in our cars, passing traffic lights, getting stuck in traffic jam, some even end up getting into accidents and some create intentional artificial jams. Our priority is to install cutting-edge AI driven smart camera systems in Ulaanbaatar city’s 10 most heavily used junctions. This will lead to reductions in crime, violations, whilst improving traffic etiquette and reduce time lost in incident handling that causes congestion. The fully equipped camera will allow the video recording to be the evidence, eliminating the need to wait for the police or regulators to show up. As the recording is sufficient evidence for insurance and police work, as long as nobody is hurt, we will no longer have the need to wait for the police and insurance workers. There are 250 traffic police officers working in the capital city every day. Each officer handles 1,750 vehicles. Therefore, we began implementing the “Smart car” system aimed at motorists. As of now there are 200,000 citizens using the system right now. The system provides users with all kinds of information relating to traffic such as, traffic congestion or which road is under maintenance.

Within the scope of the “Smart Ulaanbaatar” project, “UB ERP” is also one of the successfully implemented systems. The system, used in government institutions, has enables the Municipality’s departments, agencies, organizations, and civil servants to set up meetings, apply for requests, receive/send documents and register our working time. What are your thoughts on the end results of this system?

Around 1,100 institutions around the capital city are integrated into the “UB ERP” system. Nearly 35,000 civils servants from 1,100 municipal organizations, including the 204 khoroos, capital city schools and kindergartens, the 35 capital city agencies, budget enterprises, provide public services to citizens. They are all working in this digital environment using the system to send, receive documents and exchange information. The capital receives around 1,800 petitions and complaints per day which are then resolved by the respective capital city administration.

Thus, all the employees receive petitions, complaints and assignments pertaining to their field from the system. The capital city works very efficiently internally. This system has not only renovated the civil service but has also saved a lot of time.

With the beginning of 2022, Mayor has allowed the operation of 74 types of businesses for citizens and companies to operate without the necessity of permits. What are your thoughts on this?

To start operations related to these 74 types of activities, citizens, organizations, and companies are required to register online and receive registration forms. To get the registration form, they can simply go to the Service Registration section of and print out a registration form with a QR code. This QR code will be placed at the entrance of the company, and if citizens have any problems, they will be able to post complaints and share information by using the QR code. Therefore, the absence of complaints or suggestions, will effectively mean that the organization will not have to go through inspections. This, in a way digitalizes government control and regulation.

The base and preparations for technological transition has been implemented successfully in the past years. We expect the resolve to make Ulaanbaatar a smart and digitalized city by 2024 to go smoothly and hope to deal with urban challenges according to global cities’ standards. Enabling digitalized system, adopting e-governance, becoming a digital nation will help to reduce corruption, reduce complex governmental bureaucracy and provide an opportunity to develop collectively, and win together.