Creative, Smart and Eco-Friendly Transport consultation held

2018-07-02 16:23:31
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ An international consultation under a subject ‘Creative, Smart and Eco-Friendly Transport’ was co-organized by the Urban Planning and Design Institute of Ulaanbaatar city, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, School of Mechanical Engineering and Transportation of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology and the Mongolian Transport Research Society.  

The consultation was participated by over 30 scholars, scientists from 20 countries including President of the Society Tetsuo Yai, President of the Korea Transport Research Institute Jaehak Oh and authorities of transport sector.

In conjunction with formulating mid-to long-term master plan on development of road network of the capital city, the Institute introduced the plan to receive scholars' recommendations on urban planning and sector’s policy. The attendees mutually agreed to broaden cooperation in future.
