Cabinet meeting in brief

2017-05-31 10:51:03
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Cabinet of ministers convened for regular meeting on Tuesday, May 30. Ministers P.Gankhuu and Ts.Dashdorj, and Executive Director of Erdenes Mongol Ts.Tumentsogt were tasked to build sufficient reserve of diesel fuel and petrol to ensure preparedness for the wintering at Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo mines, to organize the stripping and overhaul maintenance works in timely manner and focus on maintaining proper amount of coal reserve of the country.

-Cabinet also discussed the general report of the Government’s Master Budget Performance for 2016 and resolved to submit the draft of parliamentary Resolution on Approving 2016 Budget Performance to the State Great Khural (Parliament). The total amount of budget revenue, expenditure and deficit can be calculated precisely after adopting the above resolution.

-A total of 53,830 petitions and complaints were addressed to ministers and authorities of government bodies in the first quarter of 2017. More than 94 percent were responded within the legal period. Most of the petitions and complaints were about receiving social welfare, cash and other kinds of benefits, land ownership and utilization.

-Cabinet resolved to submit to the parliament a draft law on ratification of the 2015 protocol on amending the Agreement on Establishing the International Investment Bank and its Rule. Mongolia, as a member of IIB, should accept the amendments to the general agreement and rule in order to maintain membership.

-A draft law on ratification of amendments to the Agreement on Establishing the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC) and its Rule, formed on October 22 of 1963 is being submitted to the State Great Khural, as well.

-A regulation regarding the uniforms of police officers were approved.

-Draft bill on Standardization, Technical Adjustment and Accreditation was discussed during the meeting. The ministers decided to present the bill to parliament.

-Cabinet agreed to initiative of observing a National Day of Labor and Social Welfare Workers on May 31 every year. 
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