Statistical report on Public Finance

2017-04-14 15:04:20
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In the first quarter of 2017, total equilibrated revenue and grants of the General Government Budget amounted to MNT1504.1 billion and total expenditure and net lending amounted to MNT1759.2 billion, representing a deficit of MNT255.1 billion in the equilibrated balance.

The tax revenue reached MNT1289.0 billion showing an increase by MNT316.6 billion 32.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. This growth was mainly affected by increase in income taxes which increased by 96.1% or MNT169.8 billion , 32.4% increase in value added taxes amountedMNT 73.8 billion , 57.9% increase in import and export tax revenue amounted MNT31.6 billion , 42.6% increase in other taxes amounted MNT38.3 billion  and 10.6% increase in social security contributions amounted MNT28.3 billion . However there was a decrease of excise taxes by 22.4%.


Source: National Statistic Office of Mongolia