Mongolian rappers to assemble one night

Art & Culture
2016-01-07 14:09:13

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Mongolian rap bands, who were rocking the 1990’s, Mon Ta Rap, Mr Doggs, Tatar and Khar Tas will give a concert this January 22 at Crocus Event Hall in Ulaanbaatar, to spend a reminiscent night with their fans.

40 thous.Togrog tickets are being sold via and ordered via phone call to 1900-1188. Younger generations of hip-hop bands and rappers--Gee, Desant, Gennie, Yundenten, Noloo and Mekh ZahQ, Show girls and Aim4r production, and Ulaan Tug--are invited to join the performance.