Wednesday, November 13
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About Mongolia
About Mongolia
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Development projects
One Billion Trees
One Billion Trees
President of Mongolia at the UNGA 79
First National Forum of Mongolian Translators
To the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Germany
Art & Culture
Ерөнхий сайд Соёл урлагийн салбарын төлөөлөлтэй уулзлаа
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United Nations Climate Change Conference COP29 Commences in Baku
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The Mongolian Team Wins 38 Medals at the Memoriad 2024 World Mental Sports Olympics
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Draft Laws on the 2025 State Budget of Mongolia Approved
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This Week in Mongolia
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This Week in Mongolia
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Ban Ki-Moon, the Peace Advocate
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President Khurelsukh Confers the State Supreme Decoration of Mongolia, Order of Chinggis Khaan, to 8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
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Mongolia Celebrates Its National Pride Day
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Ban Ki-Moon, Champion of the Fight Against Climate Change
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"Laureates of the State Supreme Decoration of Mongolia, Order of Chinggis Khaan"
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Government of Mongolia to Cooperate with Alibaba Group in Three Key Transitions
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Mongolians Win Two Gold Medals at the Memoriad 2024 World Mental Sports Olympics
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E-Visa Issuance to Visit Mongolia Increases Threefold
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Mongolian Scholars Take Part in the 21st International Scientific Conference “Youth in Science 2024”
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Mongolia and the Czech Republic to Expand Cooperation in Education
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Reducing Air Pollution Through Renewable Energy Discussed
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Foreign Minister of Mongolia Receives Ambassador of the Republic of India
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Implementation of Child Protection Compact Partnership Discussed
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Draft Laws on the 2025 State Budget of Mongolia Approved
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This Week in Mongolia
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Akim Gotov: Mongol Scholars Stand at the Roots of the Modern Translation Theory
Exclusive Interview with President of Slovenia by MONTSAME
Tapan Mishra: Mongolia is a Role Model for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
Mongolian Artists Works on Display for the Selection of the Best Works of the Year
Realistic Pencil Drawing Exhibition Amazes Visitors
Presenting "The Miracle of Craftsmanship"
President Khurelsukh Confers the State Supreme Decoration of Mongolia, Order of Chinggis Khaan, to the 8th Secretary-General of the UN Honorable Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pays a State Visit to Mongolia
"Laureates of the State Supreme Decoration of Mongolia, Order of Chinggis Khaan"
Tenguundalai Ganbat Becomes World Champion at the 2024 World Youth Chess Solving Championships
The Mongolian Team Wins 38 Medals at the Memoriad 2024 World Mental Sports Olympics
Mongolians Win Two Gold Medals at the Memoriad 2024 World Mental Sports Olympics
MONTSAME News Agency, C.P.O Box 1514, B.Jigjidjav St-8, Chingeltei dist, Ulaanbaatar-15160, Mongolia,
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