20.9 million tons of freight carried by rail transport

2021-09-29 11:35:13

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. In the first eight months of this year, 20.9 million tons of freight were carried by railway transport. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the carried freight increased by 1.5 million tons (7.5%).

This increase was mainly due to 990.5 thousand tons (14.4%) increase in export freight, 298.5 thousand tons (15.3%) increase in import freight, respectively. In August 2021, carried freight reached 2.5 million tons, showing an increase of 146.6 thousand tons (6%) against the previous month.

In the first eight months of 2021, 12.7 million tons of carried freight by railway transport was mining freight, 2.1 million tons was construction materials, 194 thousand tons was black iron, 163 thousand tons was food products, and 113.5 thousand tons was household products.


The number of carried passengers by railway transport reached 3.7 thousand, showing a decrease of 1.4 thousand, compared to the same period of previous year. This was caused due to the restriction on the movement of passengers in connection with the public emergency readiness regime

In the first eight months of 2021, the revenue from railway transport reached MNT 527.2 billion, increased by MNT 19.3 billion or (3.8%) compared to the same period of previous year. This increase was mainly due to increases in the transportation of mining products, namely, coal, spar and spar concentrates, construction material and food consumer products.

In August 2021, the revenue reached MNT 67 billion, decreased by MNT 298.6 million (0.4%) compared to the previous month.