National Development Agency develops road map for industry

2017-03-29 11:38:11

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ “It’s crucial to identify a leading sector, and frame a suitable policy on investment, concession and partnership between government and private sectors”, experts highlighted during a meeting themed ‘Recovering the economy by supporting domestic production’ on March 28, Tuesday.

Co-organized by National Development Agency, National Industrial Council and Confederation of Journalists for Industrialization, the meeting was participated by journalists and media delegates.

During the meeting, National Development Agency introduced a road map on industrial development in the frames of which about 2000 of 6000 regularly operating factories in Mongolia have been united under an online system. The registration of domestic entities in process manufacturing will be completed within this year.

Furthermore, National Development Agency and National Industrial Council established a memorandum of understanding to join hands on marketing domestic products, conducting an international market research and a study on adoption of innovative technology, and contributing to the framing of package law on cooperation between government and private sectors.