Mutton Export from Mongolia to Iran Emphasized

2023-11-17 16:59:42

Ulaanbaatar, November 17, 2023 /MONTSAME. Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia Bolorchuluun Khayangaa received Mohsen Bakhtiar, non-resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Mongolia on November 17, 2023.


At the onset of the Meeting, Minister Kh. Bolorchuluun noted that the two countries plan to implement a multifaceted program of cooperation in the food and agricultural sector.  “Mongolia is ready to cooperate with any country in the world in agriculture and light industry. Agriculture, in particular, has huge resources of meat products and raw materials. In recent years, special attention has been paid to increasing meat exports. According to a studyconducted in November, 5.3 thousand tons of lamb prepared in halal method were exported to Iran. This number can be increased further. The meat of Mongolian sheep is considered to be of high quality as the livestock graze freely on pastureland,” emphasized the Minister.


Ambassador Mohsen Bakhtiar stated that Iran is a big market with a population of 19 million people and in addition to meat and meat products the country has a high demand for other agricultural raw materials. He asked for support for the export of organic dried fruits and vegetables from Iran to Mongolia.


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