Mongolian children won gold cups in mental competition

2017-12-15 15:39:47
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ 78 Mongolian children aged 5-14 of ‘Soroban’ center of ‘Toya’ Children Development Academy participated the 22nd UCMAS International Competition was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on December 10-11.

Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System (UCMAS) is a brain development programme and thousands of learners from different countries compete in this international competition every year. The abacus system of mental calculation is a system where users mentally visualize an abacus to do calculations. No physical abacus is used; only the answers are written down. Calculations can be made at great speed in this way.

In the competition Mongolian team has had one grand champion, 2 champions, 17 gold cup winners, 27 silver cup holders and 20 bronze cup holders. According to team results, Mongolian team won bronze medal.  

More than 8500 children of 75 countries competed in this international mental and arithmetic competition.
M. Unurzul

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