Modern Issues of Child Development and Children’s Rights Discussed

2024-11-25 14:30:09

Ulaanbaatar, November 25, 2024 /MONTSAME/. On November 21, 2024, the Governor’s Office of the Capital City and the Mongolian Children’s Palace (MCP) organized an international academic conference “Modern Issues of Child Development,” a triennial event held since 2018. 

At the Conference, presentations were made on the following topics: 

  • “The Current Situation of Children’s Rights and Development Protection” by Kh. Azjargal, an analyst at the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection of Mongolia;

  • “Modern Early Childhood Education” by preschool education specialist at UNICEF in Mongolia Dr. T. Tsendsuren;

  • “The Importance of Oral Health Education for the Healthy Smiles of Mongolian Children” by Director of “Misheel Kids Foundation” Gabriella Schmidt-Corsitto; 

  • “The Primary Forms of Art Affecting Children’s Development and Maturity: One of the Key Directions of the Mongolian Children’s Palace” by Director of the MCP B. Tsengelmaa; 

  • “The Role and Significance of Speech Development in Children’s Growth” by specialist of the National Council of Language Policy Dr. B. Dorjderem;

  • “Health Examinations for Five-Year-Old-Children in Japan- Pre-school Support and Preparations for Entering School” by specialist at JICA Hiromi Takai.

Furthermore, research papers and presentations were delivered under themes such as “Implementation of State Policies, Children’s Development, Participation, and Protection,” “Social and Psychological Aspects of Children’s Development,” “Supporting Environments and Activities for Children’s Development, Key Considerations for the Future.” Recommendations of the Conference will be delivered to state and public organizations, with the aim of aligning child-related policies and activities with scientific research and evidence-based findings, according to the Public Relations and Communications Department of the Governor’s Office of the Capital City. 

The Conference saw the participation of representatives from ministries,  government agencies, and universities, including scholars and researchers from the United Nations, Switzerland, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, and Mongolia.