Institute of Plant Protection Research Moves to New Designated Building

2024-02-28 18:22:20

Ulaanbaatar, 2024 February 28 /MONTSAME/ The Institute of Plant Protection Research has moved into a new research laboratory complex. 


In 1958, Mongolia began to cultivate its virgin land and develop an agricultural industry based on science. The Institute was established to protect grain, potatoes, and vegetables from various deceases, pesticides, rodents, weeds, and the pasture from rodents and locusts. Today, for the first time, this Institute has a dedicated research laboratory building. 


With the designated research laboratory, the working environment of researchers has improved, leading to more scientific inventions being introduced into production and sets a great opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the country's development.


Institute of Plant Protection Research works on identifying the damage to agricultural plants: grain, potato, vegetable, propagator plants, pasture, forest, the green structure decease, pestilential disease, rodent animal, weed kind structure and its spread, and develop the progressive technology and introduce it in production. The Institute also studies plant protection preparations, pesticides, and the residue that the agriculture and environment sector uses and develops a comprehensive methodology for plant protection and introduces it in practice, which helps increase the harvest and makes an important contribution to providing healthy and quality food to the people.


In recent years, the Institute has actively participated in the national movement "Billion Trees", initiated by the President of Mongolia, and as the management staff of the Institute said during the research laboratory opening, "the Institute researchers are working on forest protection from pesticides, pesticide decease, providing a healthy seedling, the crop field protection, and afforestation. In general, the Institute of Plant Protection Research plays an important role in food supply and safety, pasture protection, and forest protection in Mongolia.


With a total floor space of 3232 square meters, the new research laboratory complex is a 4-storey building having research laboratories, office rooms, cold storage rooms, and a sports recreation hall.