Business registration statistics in first three months

2016-04-20 17:59:54

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In the first quarter of this year, the business registration pool has registered 129.9 thousand enterprisers and organizations, and 67.4 thousand or 51.9% of them are active.

42.6 thousand or 63.3% of all the registered enterprisers are located in Ulaanbaatar, 8.1 thousand or 12.1%--in central region, 7.4 thousand or 11.0%--in Khangai region, 6.3 thousand or 9.3%--in western region, and 2.9 thousand or 4.3%--in eastern region. In addition, 83.4% of the registered enterprisers and organizations have 1.9 employees, 7.3%--10-19 employees, 5.7%--20-49 employees, and 3.6%--over 50 employees.

There are 62.6 thousand enterprisers and organizations that have not launched yet their activities. In the period, a number of such entities increased by 6.7 point.