UNICEF to Provide Policy Recommendations for Mongolia’s Child Protection Efforts

2024-11-22 16:53:28

Ulaanbaatar, November 22, 2024 /MONTSAME/. On November 22, 2024, Minister of Family, Labor, and Social Protection of Mongolia Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren met with Andrea Rossi, UNICEF Social Policy Advisor for Southeast Asia, to discuss ways of further strengthening child protection and social policies in Mongolia.


At the meeting, Social Policy Advisor Andrea Rossi made a presentation “Fostering Social Participation and Livelihoods of Children in Mongolia: Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Recommendations" during the “Social Policy and Protection–Children” consultative meeting, organized in collaboration with the Standing Committee on Social Policy of the State Great Khural, the Subcommittee on Sustainable Development Goals, and UNICEF. The following points were made during the presentation:

-The total population of Mongolia is 3.5 million, of which 37.1%, or 1.2 million, are children.

-Over 70% of cases involving violence against children occur within the family environment.

-Although the revised Child Protection Law came into effect on September 1, 2024, more needs to be done to effectively implement the law to ensure the safety and protection of children in any environment.


The Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Protection of Mongolia has announced plans to seek policy recommendations from UNICEF to effectively implement child protection policies and set up a national framework.

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