This Week in Mongolia
SocietyUlaanbaatar, February 19, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Summary of events for the week of February 19-25, 2024.
February 19: National Statistics Office will present the main social and
economic indicators of Mongolia for January 2024.
February 19: A press conference was announced about the start of the 2024
entrance exams at the Education Evaluation Center. Phone: 9592-2585.
February 19: Information will be given on the topic "Let's get MNT 13.5
billion for the Merculedix vaccine for Hepatitis D and live a healthy life
February 19: Joint Exhibition "Turning Connection" by Honored Cultural
Worker of Mongolia, Artist Ts. Enkhjargal, and Foremost Cultural Worker, Artist
U. Battsooj, a member of the Union of Mongolian Artists, will open at the Fine
Arts Zanabazar Museum.
February 19: An Exclusive Exhibition "Road" of Mongolian Academy of
Fine Art Teacher and Artist Ts. Narangerel opened at "Mongol Art
Gallery". The Exhibition will be on display until March 7, 2024.
February 21: JICA will hold a meeting to introduce the Mongolia-Japan Economic
Partnership Agreement.
February 23: Ministry of Digital Development and Communications and the Business Council of Mongolia will organize a meeting to receive comments on the draft law to amend the Law on Communications.
February 23: Mongolia's first "Sustainable Business" forum will be held.
Local events:
February 21:
Members of the "Traveler" auto club will go to Sukhbaatar aimag to
help herdsmen of the eastern aimags.
February 23: In the framework of winter tourism development, the annual “Camel
Festival” organized by Dundgobi aimag will take place in Ulziit soum.
February 24: "Altai Tavan Bogd Crystal" Ice Festival will be held on
the ice of Tolbo lake in Tolbo soum of Bayan-Ulgii aimag.
23-25: A Chess Championship and a Youth Basketball Tournament
are scheduled in Dundgobi aimag.
23-25: Youth Wrestling Championship and a Youth
Provincial Judo Championship will be held in Uvurkhangai aimag.