President Calls for Collaboration for Water Protection
EnvironmentUlaanbaatar, March 22, 2023 /MONTSAME/. Today, a National Forum ‘Blue Gold” has taken place at the initiative of President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin
In his opening speech, the President emphasized the
importance of strictly prohibiting mining at the headwaters of rivers and water
resources in forests, creating and protecting water resources by rehabilitating
riverine forests and increasing forest areas. “We have to plant
billions of trees for hundreds of years. Mongolians should consider planting
trees as an act that contributes to the good life of the people in the world”
noted President Mr. Khurelsukh, He also pointed out that the vehicles sunk in
Khuvsgul Lake, which constitutes about 75 percent of Mongolia's freshwater
resources, will be completely removed by 2024 to protect the lake from
Saying that the government will pay attention to improving
the legal environment of the water sector by revising the Law on Water and
other related laws, the President called on the government and the people to
work together for the goal of preventing water shortages and adapting to
climate change.
At the Forum, Minister of Environment and Tourism Mr.Bat-Erdene
informed about the government policies in tackling the pressing issues in the
water sector. He said that Mongolia's National Security Concept
envisages making adjustments in the flow of large rivers, constructing
artificial water reservoirs for collecting waters of rain, snow and ice runoff,
and establishing covered water storage and transmission systems in the desert
and dry steppe areas with severe surface evaporation.
The Forum concluded with Recommendations on improving the legal environment, management and empowerment of human resources in the water sector, with aims of protecting water resources from pollution and depletion, increasing the value of water, and ensuring the stability of the water supply.