Winners of Erdem Hackathon-2019 selected
SocietyUlaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. Within the ‘Mongolian Innovation Week-2019’, a contest ‘Erdem Hackathon 2019’ was co-organized last week by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sciences and Sports and ‘Startup Mongolia’ NGO.
to cultivate innovations in Mongolia’s socio-economy, develop creative thinking
and expand innovation partnership and collaboration, the contest brought
together 11 teams of universities, scientific organizations and entities and
selected the best business project.
The first place was won by a project on producing ether oil (Olea aetherea) from raw materials of the native country, which contains chemical and biological active compound, and producing products using the ether oil with new technology.
second place winners were projects titled ‘Biological active supplement to
prevent from diabetes’ and ‘Planting mushroom ‘Calvitia Gigantea’ of Khentii
Mountains for medicinal and food purposes to produce biological active product
and raw material of medicines’
who promote start-ups, and M-space innovation hub expressed commitment to
support the business projects.