Draft amendment to excise tax to be submitted to parliament

2015-10-06 16:32:51

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At its meeting on Monday, the cabinet discussed and backed a draft amendment to the law on excise tax. It will be submitted to parliament.

Established between Mongolia and Japan, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) has a clause on giving domestic conditions to Japanese products according to the 1994 General Agreement of Tariff and Trade, while the current Mongolian law on excise tax imposes different taxes on domestic and on imported alcoholic beverages. Due to this contradiction, the Japanese side requested Mongolia to impose on alcoholic beverages, supplied from Japan, the same taxes as the Mongolian similar products have.

The draft amendment has been worked with a clause which says that the same excise tax would be impose on both Mongolian alcoholic beverages and on imported from those countries having such an agreement with Mongolia.  



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