PM gives speech to Best Herders Conference

2016-03-18 12:43:24

Prime Minister of Mongolia Mr Saikhanbileg addressed the Conference of 800 Best Herders on Thursday, on the 17th of March. The event has been co-organized by the Government, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

In the recent years, Prime Minister said, many successes have been achieved in the agriculture, for example, a number of livestock has risen to 56 million thanks to the herders' hard work and dedication. According to the census by the end of 2015, Mongolia counted the most number of horses, goats and sheep in its history, Prime Minister emphasized.

The government has been working to sign as many agreements as possible with foreign countries on meat export and has already given licenses to 66 entities to export meat within the first half of 2016.
