November 12 events

2018-11-12 10:45:18

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The following events are expected on November 12:


11AM: Organizers of World Diabetes Day deliver report at the Ministry of Health


11AM: Handover ceremony of earthquake resistance test and training equipment under JICA to the National Emergency Management Agency is held within the Project for Strengthening the National Capacity Earthquake Disaster Protection and Prevention in Mongolia


12AM: Organizers of ‘Super karatedo’ the first international tournament hold press briefing at Mongol news press center


1:30PM: A scientific conference entitled 'Prime Minister of Mongolia B.Tserendorj-150' takes place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


3PM: Award presenting ceremony to the best works of the 11th open drawing Olympiad held among children at the national level is held at the Junior Center for Creative Arts  


At national press center


11:30AM: SMEs in Uvurkhangai and Arkhangai aimags hold press conference on timely issues


12AM: Democratic Youth Union delivers report on current issues