President of Mongolia Expresses Commitment to Support Any Initiative Promoting and Teaching Morin Khuur

2024-05-08 14:29:22

Ulaanbaatar, May 8, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Under the auspices of President of Mongolia, the first National Forum of Morin Khuur was held at the State Palace of Mongolia on May 7, 2024.

The Forum discussed speeches and presentations on various topics, including "Development Policy of the Cultural Sector and its Implementation," "Exploring the Relationship between Morin Khuur and Composers," "Craftsmanship of Morin Khuur and Issues Surrounding It," "Current State of Morin Khuur,and many others.

President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa delivered opening remarks at the National Forum of Morin Khuur, expressing a firm commitment to supporting and cooperating with great cause to develop and promote Morin Khuur.

I extend my heartfelt greetings on this symbolic day to all ladies and gentlemen who have solemnly gathered at the State Palace of Mongolia today from all over the country to discuss the development and prospects of Morin Khuur, an intangible cultural heritage of the humankind and national pride of the Mongols, with its twin strings of means and method of melodious glory composes the musical sutra of the historical memory, heart and soul, desire and aspiration, vigor and vitality of the Mongols.

The unique musical instrument of Mongol arts and culture, and the king of Mongol musical instruments, Morin Khuur, is the source of the Mongol melodies of the steppe, soothes the world, and touches the human soul with its only two strings. It is a treasure and cultural heritage of Mongolia, vividly and gracefully capturing the soil, birthplace, tradition, and history of the nomadic civilization, remaining deep in our hearts and souls, and reminding the Mongol people of the heroic and glorious deeds of our fathers and forefathers.

It is our sacred duty and honor to play this music Morin Khuur, the music and sound of which will eternally resonate in the hearts of Mongolians as if reminding that we belong to this land, to this nation, and to this culture. We must develop this tradition, preserve it for our descendants, and share the Morin Khuur's beauty with the world.

Therefore, over the past three decades, the Mongolian government has prioritized the development of the Morin Khuur at the state policy level.

In 1992, with the support of the Mongolian Government and people, by the decision of the Head of State of Mongolia, the State Khaan Morin Khuur was created. Subsequently, Morin Khuur Ensemble was established by the Government’s resolution. A decade later, in 2002, the President issued a decree further promoting the Morin Khuur.

Also, on February 1, 2024, I issued a Decree to Honor and Promote Morin Khuur, encouraging every Mongolian family to contribute to preserving our traditional art and heritage by learning and playing the Morin Khuur at home and passing it onto future generations. The Decree provides for including Morin Khuur training programs in the curricula of secondary schools and cultural institutions domestically and internationally, as well as the development of craftsmanship and production of Morin Khuur.

According to the Decree, the Government of Mongolia has issued relevant resolutions and is actively working to translate the directives into a reality.

I call upon all of you, who are devoting hearts and souls to promoting the Horsehead Fiddle, not only in Mongolia but also around the world, and transmitting this cultural heritage to future generations, to collaborate wholeheartedly and establish a "United Morin Khuur Association,with the support of the government and the people of Mongolia.

It is imperative that in the future, a National Forum of Morin Khuur be organized every four years, bringing together government bodies, professional organizations, artists, and academics to reflect on past achievements and mistakes, define policies and objectives, and discuss and plan future activities. 

Also, I encourage every Mongolian household to have a Horsehead Fiddle player in their home, just as the Mongol state has its own State Khaan Horsehead Fiddle player. This way, the melody of this treasured musical instrument "Morin Khuurcan be played in the homes of every Mongolian family, ensuring Mongolian heritage and culture are passed on from one generation to another.

President of Mongolia awarded the Morin Khuur Ensemble of Mongolia with the Supreme Decoration of the Mongolian State, Order of Chinggis Khaan for preserving and promoting the Morin Khuur for valuable contributions to the revival of the national conscience, culture, and mentality, for consolidating and elevating Mongolia’s international reputation and for advancing the knowledge and appreciation of the cultural heritage and values of the Mongol nation worldwide.

As President of Mongolia, I am committed to supporting and cooperating with all of you in the vital task of developing and promoting Morin Khuur, the source of the heavenly Mongol melody of the steppe and the king of Mongol musical instruments.

May Mongolia prosper and flourish under the Eternal Blue Sky!
