Decisions Made at the Cabinet Session

2024-04-04 11:31:35

Ulaanbaatar, April 4, 2024 /MONTSAME/. During its regular session on April 3, 2024, the Cabinet made the following decisions:


Roads with Tunnels Connecting Khurkhree Valley and Nomt Valley in Bogd Khan Mountains to be Constructed


To alleviate traffic congestion and promote decentralization in Ulaanbaatar City, a Working Group comprised of relevant ministers was established by the order of the Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai. The Working Group will investigate the feasibility of constructing roads and bridges with tunnels connecting Khurkhree Valley to Nomt Valley in Bogd Khan Mountains. It will provide recommendations and ensure unified management and coordination for the construction.


The newly established Working Group will be chaired by B. Delgersaikhan, Minister of Mongolia and Chair of the National Committee on the Reduction of Traffic Congestion in Ulaanbaatar. Some relevant Ministers will serve as members. The Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar will serve as Secretary of the Group.


The Prime Minister instructed the Chair of the Working Group to present the progress and results of the implementation of the order to the Cabinet meeting every 14 days. 


A preliminary survey of the 15.3 km road with a tunnel from Khurkhree Valley to Nomt Valley in Bogd Khan Mountains is underway.


Proposals to New Administrative Structure for the Capital Presented


At the Cabinet Meeting, B. Delgersaikhan, Minister of Mongolia and Chair of the National Committee on the Reduction of Traffic Congestion in Ulaanbaatar, presented the proposals and findings of the Working Group on Renewing Administrative and Territorial Units of Ulaanbaatar City.


The Working Group proposed a new administrative structure for the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, dividing it into 14 districts and 42 units. The proposal draws on several concepts, including the "20-Minute Neighbourhood" model used by major cities worldwide, Mongolia's development policies “Vision-2050” and “New Revival Policy,” Mongolia's regional development concept, Ulaanbaatar's general urban plan, population density considerations, and the city's existing engineering and social infrastructure, as well as its geographical location.

Under the new administration structure, the Capital's duties will decrease by 58 percent, while duties of districts and smallest units will increase by 15 percent and 95 percent, respectively. The Working Group was tasked with developing detailed legal and urban development research and information related to this capital administrative reform and presenting it to the Cabinet meeting.


Brief News: 

-The artists of "Troop Amaraa," who were awarded the "Silver Clown" trophy (second place) at the "Monte Carlo-46" International Circus Festival, will receive MNT 40 million.

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