Rooster egg used for traditional medicine

2019-04-16 16:25:59

The eighth Bogd Jebtsundamba, known as the Bogd khaan, was keen on natural sciences and collected unusual, rare and precious items related to the nature and wildlife. His collection features some items such as fossilized human brain, heaven tree, sword knotted with spiritual power and rooster egg, which are still kept at the Bogd Khan Palace Museum.

One of the rare pieces of his collection, the rooster egg was brought from Thailand through China and was used in traditional medication. Rich in protein, the rooster egg was an ingredient of various traditional medicines and was popular among the 20th century nobles. There were rumors that some noble men used it as male enhancing preparation.

The Bogd Khan made an order to translate medical texts and scriptures into Mongolian and a number of scriptures, for example, about simple healing of various illnesses, names and composition of drugs and human anatomy were translated.The Bogd khaan mastered medical science and used some of the items of his collection for disease treatment and remedy.

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