Mongolia secured successful negotiations to bolster cooperation in all sectors during visit of S.Korean President Ms Park Geun-hye

2016-07-17 18:26:49

As invited by the President of Mongolia, President of the Republic of Korea Ms Park Geun-hye attended the ASEM11 Summit and is paying an official visit to Mongolia on July 17 and 18.

During the visit, Speaker of Mongolian parliament Mr Enkhbold and the Prime Minister Mr Erdenebat will pay courtesy calls on President Park Geun-hye. Also, the latter will attend the Mongolia-S.Korea business forum, and have a meeting with the S.Korean nationals living in Mongolia.

It is expected that the President Park Geun-hye's visit will make huge contribution in strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, deepening political dialogues, intensifying economic cooperation and densifying people-to-people relations.

President of Mongolia extended deepest gratitude to the Government of Republic of Korea for active support through non-refundable aid for organization of the ASEM Summit.

The heads of state unanimously emphasized the importance of increasing trade and investment volume and developing counter-complementary and mutually beneficial economic ties. They noted that the Mongolia-Korea joint committee on economy will play a key role in achieving such goals, and agreed to further take active parts in intensifying the committee's activities and in establishing effective mechanism of cooperation.

With this visit, the sides have agreed to launch projects on construction of Natural History Museum, Joint College of Information Technology and in sending engineering specialists to S.Korea for professional training.

In the margins of the visit, the two sides signed more than 20 cooperation documents. For instance, the Korea Economic Development Co-operation Fund inked an agreement on implementing project "Smart Education" on the financing of soft loan of 19.6 million USD.

Also, on the 25 million USD loan from EDCF will provide an implementation of Phase II of Project on Inter - State and -City Public Transport. In its scope, Mongolia will receive 200 buses for public transport.

The sides also inked documents in cultural cooperation, tackling desertification, collaboration in energy, healthcare and information technology.

As for aviation relations, regular flights have been commenced since last June between Ulaanbaatar and Pusan, and the flights are of great help in boosting tourism.

Moreover, Mongolian side once again requested the S.Korean Government to broaden relations in education and culture through enlarging the number of Mongolian students to enjoy Korean government grants and scholarships and alleviation conditions for Mongolian passengers travelling to Korea.

As a country located in the North East Asian region, Mongolia confirmed its position and support for free-of-nuclear-weapon Korean Peninsula, for security and peace in the region and efforts to utilize every means of peaceful negotiations. Mongolian side also applauded the effort and consistent participation in the Ulaanbaatar Dialogues, which aim at building trust and strengthening regional understanding.
